
Q&A happy hour w/Pete Hanning

For the last 35 years, Pete Hanning has been a leader in our community. As owner of the Red Door in Fremont for twenty years his experience as a small business owner has honed his ability to solve problems and provide service to others. Pete has been civically engaged throughout his career, with a focus on improving public safety and supporting small businesses. He will use this experience to help reduce homelessness, help keep our neighborhoods and small businesses safe, as well as expanding housing affordability.

We hope you can join us on October 24th to hear about Pete’s campaign for Seattle City Council District 6.

RSVP: Eva Otto ~ 206-236-6925 ~

Tuesday, October 24th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM

The Infiniti Real Estate & Development Offices

4258 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103