Support Our Salish Sea The Salish Sea is also known as Puget Sound. It defines our region with 12 local counties touching her waters. Below are five local organizations that we encourage you to support. Honor our home waters this holiday season and every day. Now more than ever the Salmon and Orca need our help!
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SATURDAY OCT 27th 3-5pm Happy Hour & Light Snacks Please RSVP: Call Eva 206.235.6925 4258 Fremont Ave N Seattle 98103 The city of Seattle recently changed the zoning for residential properties throughout the city. Single family home owners should be aware of new accessory dwelling laws, backyard cottage regulations and zone changes in
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Looking to Buy? Home Buyers Happy Hour + Workshop Join us at our office in Fremont for a free community Home Buyers Happy Hour + Workshop! September 19th 5:30-8:00 Learn about financing options and how to pick an agent. We will discuss various and “outside the box” housing options available in today’s housing market. Easy climate change
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Solar, It Saves and Earns by Rebecca Sayre, Real Estate Broker, Infiniti Real Estate & Development The benefits of solar are numerous. Installing solar results in your home using less energy from the utility because you are replacing that energy with solar produced on your rooftop. This saves money on your energy bill and
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AFFORDABLE HOUSING SOLUTIONS FOR AGING IN PLACE: By Eva Otto- Designated Broker, MES, LEED AP, Ecobroker, Aging in place is simply the ability to stay in your home and age around your neighborhood and your family safely, independently and comfortably, no matter what your age, ability, or income. “When people are surveyed; eighty five percent
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Happy Hour & Planting Party! June 15th 4-6pm Located at Infiniti’s Office: 4258 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 Looking to brighten up your summer? Try some Sunflower Power! We are giving away free packets of Organic Sunflower Seeds from Seattle Seed Co. in the hopes that our neighbors will plant them and embellish our Fremont
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RAINWATER DESIGN FOR YOUR HOME AND GARDEN: Saturday May 18th 3pm-5pm Happy Hour drinks and snacks provided! Come by Infiniti Real Estate & Development to mingle with neighbors and learn about rainwater systems for your home and garden. Jake Harris from Stone Soup Gardens will be on hand to talk about various residential rainwater catchment
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Fremont Women Mean Business Eva Otto moderates Breakfast Panel of Speakers Join us for breakfast on March 20th for an inspiring program with valuable advice & insights for you to take back to your business! Program Schedule Keynote: Amy Nelson, CEO/Founder, The Riveter Panel Discussion Moderator: Eva Otto, Owner/Broker, Infiniti Real Estate & Development Panelists Amy
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Daphne Minkoff Join us for an evening of art and ideas discussing the changing landscape in Seattle for better or for worse, and the creative work of Daphne Minkoff. March 21, 5-8pm Happy Hour Reception and Light Fare Location: Infiniti Real Estate & Development 4258 Fremont Ave N, Seattle 98103 Daphne
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Many Fremonsters have noticed that the train is back up in the window at our Fremont Ave location along with the featured works of local clay artist Larry Halvorsen. Larry’s works make up the landscape for the train in our seasonal display window. Larry has a studio in Frellard (Fremont close to Ballard) and will also
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